7 Ways to Develop a Sales Positivity Practice
Aug 23, 2022
Sales success is powered by the practice of positivity. It is a simple concept to understand, but not always easy to maintain when confronted with daily stressors. Research teaches us that positive thinking is the way in which we approach unpleasantness in a more productive manner. It is about expecting the best potential outcome and not anticipating the worst case scenario (Mayo Clinic).
Positive energy is contagious and magnetic. People are naturally attracted to others who have the same type of energy, positive or negative. In the workplace, you can see this in action. Have you ever noticed that people physically cluster together in mini-groups based on their energy? The complainers and naysayers are usually tucked away in a corner and the higher energy goal seekers place themselves front and center.
Additionally, energy is powered by thoughts so it is important to take a close look at your thoughts and how they present themselves. Developing a positivity practice is a core component of sales success. It helps us learn how to break free from the cycle of negative thinking and redirect our thoughts. It also requires commitment. Like anything new, it takes some time to become proficient.
Amanda Wilson, from Augusta Health shares that rewiring a negative thought pattern takes 60 days of consistent practice to change. Further, scientific imaging shows us that by developing a consistent practice of positivity we are actually creating new neurological pathways. By making the time investment in yourself and consciously choosing change, you will see more sales success.
If you are a corner seeker, don’t despair! It is never too late to develop a positivity practice. Here are 7 ways you can begin to develop a positivity practice today:
- Take time to rest, meditate, and recharge.
- Lighten up and find laughter in your day.
- Surround yourself with other positive influences and people.
- Don’t dwell in negative thought patterns.
- Find joy in activities outside of work.
- Practice gratitude for the things you have and how far you have come.
- Don’t stop moving forward. One negative interaction or experience does not define who you are and your potential for success.
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